5 Practical Steps for Living a Missional Life

Living a life of mission is about more than just preaching the gospel with words. It's about embodying the message of love, compassion, and authenticity in our everyday actions. As believers, we are constantly being watched by those around us, and our actions often speak louder than our words.

Living a missional life is not just about what we say, but it's about how we live. As Christians, the world is watching us closely, and our actions often speak louder than our words. Here are five practical steps to living a missional life based on a recent message from our church:

  1. Seek God's Guidance: Start with prayer. Prayer shouldn't be a last resort but a priority. Ask God to show you where He is already at work and where you can join in and be a light in the lives of others.

  2. Show Compassion and Understanding: In your daily interactions, seek to have more compassion and understanding. Listen to others and extend a helping hand where it is needed. Be intentional about building relationships and being present in people's lives.

  3. Consistency: Being a follower of Jesus is not just a Sunday morning activity. It should impact every area of our lives. Examine your consistency and ask yourself, "Do I live like a believer 24/7?" Let your actions and your social media posts reflect your faith and values.

  4. Embrace Authenticity: People are looking for authenticity more than they are looking for words. Be real and authentic in your interactions and relationships. Live out the good news of Jesus in tangible, genuine ways.

  5. Step Out in Confidence: Once you've prayed and identified where God is working, step out in confidence. Be consistent in your mission, and be willing to walk out the role that God has for you.

God desires that each of us play a part in His mission to seek and save the lost. Let's commit to being willing vessels and living out the good news in our daily lives.

Remember, living a missional life starts with prayer, compassion, understanding, consistency, authenticity, and confidence. Let's be the good news that people are longing to see and experience.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some of the dreams or purposes that have been spoken over you, and how can we support each other in awakening and pursuing them?

  2. How has prayer played a role in your life, and how can we prioritize prayer as a community in living out our faith and mission?

  3. In what ways do you feel inadequate or unqualified to share the love of Jesus, and how can we encourage and support each other in stepping out and being authentic in our faith?

  4. How can we actively show love for our city and be the good news to those around us, regardless of our age or background?

  5. How can we grow our passion and compassion for the lost, and what are some practical steps we can take to pray for, love, and share the gospel with those around us?


Embracing Ordinary Mission


Stories of Faith